The Prosper Veterans Memorial will recognize all veterans that have served honorably in one or more of the United States Armed Forces: Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard or Space Force.
It is designed to enhance the community and provide recognition to those who have served our country. It will be a lasting place to gather, reflect and honor them.
The Memorial is a collaborative effort involving multiple community organizations including Prosper Rotary Club, Town of Prosper, Prosper Independent School District, and Prosper Economic Development Corporation.
The Town of Prosper will provide the property for the site and services for its continued maintenance.
Prosper Rotary Club will provide the leadership during the fundraising and construction phases with the continuing oversight of a committee of community representatives.
The Prosper Rotary Club and Foundation is committed to donating $25,000 / year to support the continuing fundraising effort for the construction of the Memorial. The most recent cost estimate for design and construction is $600,000. We already have received pledges for approximately half of that amount.
We welcome your financial support of this community project.
To make a donation today by mailing your check to the Veterans Memorial, PO Box 643, Prosper TX 75078 or use this link to donate by credit card.
Or you can make a pledge to support the Memorial using this link.
Financial pledge to support the Memorial
You can honor a specific veteran by buying a paving using the this link.