Prosper Rotary Club Meeting Notes of 02/22/2024
If you missed today’s meeting, we missed you too.
Use this link to see all the meeting photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/mabpictures/albums
Ann Burton of the Little Elm Rotary Club joined us today. I think she was checking us out to see how great we are. I hope we passed the eyeball test, and I hope we get to see her again.

David presented Geoffrey Guss our club’s newest member his ID badge and lapel pin. WooHoo!

Dan Duberstein has attained the Paul Harris level of recognition. The Paul Harris Fellow recognition acknowledges individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, of $1,000 to the Rotary Foundation. David presented Dan with his Harris Fellowship certificate of achievement and lapel pin at today’s meeting.
To read more about this recognition, use this link: https://www.rotary.org/en/history-paul-harris-fellow-recognition

The golf coaches from the three Prosper high schools joined us for lunch today. We got to hear about each school’s programs and prospects for the current season. It sounds like our kids are blessed to have such a great group of adults caring for their character development as well as golfing skills.
Sarah Fulfer - Walnut Grove High School Golf Coach (pictured below)

Rhana Ramos - Rock Hill High School Golf Coach (pictured below)

Tyler Pearson - Prosper High School Girls Golf Coach (pictured below)

Ryan Salinas - Prosper High School Boys Golf Coach (pictured below)

We’ll be overhauling flags Saturday 2/24/24.
We will start at 800AM and stop around Noon-ish. Dress appropriately. It may be chilly. In case of rain, we’ll reschedule.
- a pair of side cutters / snips capable of cutting cable ties
- a ¼” nut driver with a few sockets / ¼” and 5/16” are likely needed
- water – stay hydrated
- sunscreen if you work outside
- a hat
- sunglasses
- work gloves
The work will be performed at our storage lockers in Prosper: Blue Star Storage, 1140 Prosper Trail, Prosper 75078. It’s located on the SW corner of Prosper Trail and Preston Road. The code to get your car past the gate is 6430*. Our lockers (148, 152, 153, 154) are along the back drive.
Adopt-A-Street Trash Pick Up Morning March 2nd
Adopt-A-Street / Clean-up activity on our portion of Prosper Trail. Meet at 8:00AM in the parking lot of the strip center to the West of the Exxon station located at the SW corner of Prosper Trail & Preston Road. Patty Felan will be there with all the supplies we might need. I suggest you bring gloves. Target completion at 10:00AMish.
We own the privilege of maintaining Prosper Trail between Preston and Coleman. You will NOT have to walk back up the hill! We’ll have a car parked down at the bottom to ferry us back up.
Bring your kids. Bring your spouse. Bring a friend.